AGL Bremen is happy to report about another project which has been finished 3 weeks ago. On behalf of one of their most important customers AGL handled the FOB delivery of a project which will move finally to Kazakhstan. The cargo was split into 3 parts as follows:
ex Berlin / Gladbeck to FOB Hamburg
Volume ex Berlin:
- 1 RG WHB / 164 tons / 1580 x 465 x 356 cms
- 1 Superheater / 51 tons / 1390 x 280 x 285 cms
- 1 SG WHB / 85 tons / 1360 x 260 x 365 cms
Volume ex Gladbeck:
- 1 Drum / 56 tons / 1400 x 225 x 260 cms
AGL arranged for the Berlin part 1000 tons mobile crane at inland port as well as barge freight to Hamburg Port. The special condition here have been the weather conditions (a lot of snow and freezing water in the port), so it was needed to stay in close contact with authorities until last moment before start to see if loading can be performed. Drum ex Gladbeck was taken over by lowbed truck in factory and moved durig1 night trip to the export terminal in POL.
All cargo was loaded safely on Russian Sea – River vessel for further transport.
ex Bucharest to FOB Constanta
- 1 Steam Drum / 132 tons / 1376 x 396 x 428 cms
For Romania AGL subcontracted PLA Member Steder Group for local operations from factory Bucharest to loading port Constanta. As from Constanta Steam Drum was loaded on HL vessel of BBC.