On July 2, 2023, the so-called Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) came into force. The aim of the HinSchG is to protect people who have obtained information about legal violations in the course of their professional activities and report them. These include, among others, punishable violations (violations of criminal regulations) as well as violations that are threatened with a fine (i.e. administrative offenses) if the violated norm serves to protect life, limb or health or to protect the rights of employees or their representative bodies.

To implement this requirement, whistleblower software was installed in the company. GlobaLeaks is open source software that enables secure and, if necessary, anonymous whistleblowing.

All reports are received, checked and processed by an external whistleblowing officer. In addition to the technical anonymity, confidentiality is ensured through appropriate agreements.

The platform can be accessed via the Tor browser at the following link:

The Tor browser can be downloaded here.

To stay up to date on your recorded case, save the generated code. Make sure that no unauthorized persons can view it.

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