
Embarking on a journey from Brazil to Germany, AGL took charge of the entire logistical voyage, orchestrating a seamless transition from FCA Brazil to DAP Germany.

Navigating through the intricate web of logistics, AGL handled pre-carriage transport in Brazil, man-aged port operations on both ends, coordinated RORO shipping to Antwerp, ensured smooth im-port customs clearance, and facilitated on-carriage transport to the end customer.

Throughout this complex process, AGL's dedication and expertise played a crucial role.

Noteworthy aspects of the project included the handling of heavy pieces weighing up to 65 tons and the use of vehicles up to 35 meters in length for on-carriage transport. Additionally, AGL's care-ful planning led to a well-timed just-in-time pickup in Antwerp, effectively avoiding storage fees.

With this project spanning continents, one can't help but wonder what logistical feats AGL will con-quer next. The sky's the limit, or perhaps, in AGL's case, the whole world.


For further information or requests, please feel free to contact Riza Gögüs (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!).