
Alexander Global Logistics lead the next project with a weight of approximately 2.000 tons for an Energy from Waste Plant.

The project had a volume of:

2x Generator each 10,00 x 4,00 x 3,60 m – each 200 tons

2x Turbine each 8,50 x 3,80 x 3,65 m – 125 tons

4x E houses each 9,00 x 4,20 x 4,40 m – each 30 tons

+ 40x Standard Truck

The turbine manufacturer is located near the river Elbe, where the turbines are regularly shipped over. Unfortunately, the Elbe did not have sufficient water levels during that time, which prohibited barge transportation to the seaports.

Our project involved a charter vessel and we did not want to take the risk of using that particular river, lest any damage occurs.

But thanks to our KNOW-HOW and good relationships with the German authorities, we were able to find a route to the river port in Haldensleben in northern Germany, which has sufficient water levels throughout the entire year.

This ensured that the project was no longer at risk.

In the course of this project, AGL was responsible for the following services:

• Road transportation

• Port handling at a river Port

• Port handling at seaport Port

• Barge transportation